Monday, January 10, 2011

The Family Love Village Makes Headlines at Cafe Gratitude!

Salutations to my beautiful family and friends! As you know, about a month ago, I started doing this awesome online playgroup with others on a book called The Abounding River. And if you didn't know about me attending this playgroup, you can read all about its wonderfulness here.

I was so inspired by what was coming up in my life after joining the group that I emailed Cafe Gratitude to see if I could write about them in both my blogs because everything that they value is exactly what I believe in and the epitome of what the Family Love Village is all about (from conscious and holistic living to creating community to supporting a sustainable presence on planet Earth and much more). So once I got the excited approval to share what this wonderful community is all about from one of their Cafe Gratitude's writers, Karin Winter, I wrote away.

After I was done, I sent an email to Karin and gave her both links to the posts on both my blogs (which both were written slightly different to tailor to each blog). If you'd like to check out what I wrote in the Made With EcoLOVE blog about them, check out GrateFULLness).  I again thanked her for this opportunity to be apart of this creative, collective consciousness.

About a week later, Karin wrote me back and mentioned that she had featured both my blogs on their Friends of Gratitude page. When I read the newsletter, I was excited, humbled and honored with what they wrote.

Just thought I'd share with all of you. Here's to an abundantly fruitful new year for all of us!

Much love, abundance & joy ~

Your fellow eco-scout villager,

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