Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When The Shift Hits The Fan!

Hi everyone. As the new year begins, I wanted to share my passion and vision for the Family Love Village. For those of you who are new to this blog, the Family Love Village is a group of like-minded families that support and/or are open to learning about various ways to model and nurture a more gently guided approach to communicating with our children, as well as, eco-holistic living.

It all began with a book called "Connection Parenting - Parenting Through Connection Instead of Coercion, Through Love Instead of Fear" - by Pam Leo. This very book began my journey of wanting to share this gentle way of communicating with our children to families open to learning another way to parent than what we were brought up in or what we have learned from mainstream society. This was the foundation that the Family Love Village began grounding its roots in and still is to this day.

If you haven't had the opportunity to read this book, I highly recommend it. It's an easy read and has great exercises at the end of each chapter. I wanted to share this wonderful resource as it has helped to shape what the village is truly about. To find out more information, check out the website at Connection Parenting and Consciously Parenting.

I wanted to share with those that might be interested a FREE teleconference happening this weekend. I get a monthly newsletter from the Consciously Parenting organization and thought this would be a beautiful way for those interesed and for our village to start the new year together, in supporting our conscious parenting journey.

Please read the following information below for further details.

Much love to all of you!
Your fellow villager,


When the Shift Hits the Fan

Did you realize that we're in the middle of a huge parenting paradigm shift? If you've been hanging out with us here at The Consciously Parenting Project for any length of time, you've already realized that we don't look at things in the same old way. In fact, we may have said things that seemed like we were speaking a foreign language when it comes to your kids and your parenting. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, in his brilliant lecture at the ICPA conference in Washington, DC in October, discussed the shift in which we now find ourselves. This is a time around the world that what we thought we knew is falling apart. He went on to say that the way our society and our world is running isn't sustainable and everything is shifting because it simply must.

I've been feeling the earth moving under my own feet and have observed it happening with many of the people I know, too. Bruce Lipton declared that it needs to happen and that he welcomes it. Wow- I wasn't that excited about it before. But it means that we are open to many new possibilities that simply didn't exist before. While the unknowns of it all are still somewhat scary, I left feeling very hopeful.

I teamed up with Lisa Reagan, founder of Families for Conscious Living and editor of Pathways Magazine, and we spoke together at the conference about what this shift looks like in families. What does it mean for you and for me? Where do we get stuck? I loved Lisa's take on what we think this shift means (we need to do lots MORE on our already overflowing to do list) and what it actually means (we're changing out our to-do lists for a different way of looking at our parenting and our lives). This great conversation is a nice place to start in understanding what the paradigm shift actually means to you and me in our every day lives. I also shared my Brain Stoplight ™ tool to give you a new way of looking at your own behaviors using our current understanding of the brain in very simple terms.

You can listen to this conversation and many others for FREE next weekend starting at 6pm Eastern (New York time), Friday, January 14 until Sunday, January 16 at 6pm EDT. When the Shift Hits the Fan: Empowered Parenting in the Paradigm Shift with me (Rebecca Thompson) and Lisa Reagan. It is a great way to set the stage for this amazing conference where we'll be Navigating the Current!

This is a great way to start off your year- inspired by some of the most interesting people working with parents today! Be sure to join us by registering here!

Posted by Rebecca Thompson, M.S., MFT of Consciously Parenting

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