Thursday, December 23, 2010

Building Community

A couple of weeks ago, I joined an online playgroup based on a book called The Abounding River by Matthew and Terces Engelhart. I was invited by my beautiful cousin Maya Hackett, the author of her own inspiring blog, Urban Organica to join her, along with other amazing and inspiring families and individuals. At first I found myself being in resistance because I was so overwhelmed with recently moving, unpacking and having just organized and completed the Family Love Village gathering on homeschooling (which I apologize because I haven't had a chance to re-read through everything from that night in order to write about it in this blog), as well as just cleaning up/settling in after my son, Andrik's blessing ceremony - which by the way all happened within ONE week of us moving to our new home. Yes, you heard it correctly, my family moved once again. That was twice within 4 months of each other. A friend of mine joked and asked if we plan to move every fiscal quarter. LOL No thank you!! We plan to stay at this house for some time! And yes, a house! An actual house!! No not yet bought - renting; but still, an actual house! :o)

So anyways before I go off on another tangent (for those that have been reading my blog know all too well I can do this), I wanted to talk a little bit about the book and the playgroup. So after Maya had explained what this playgroup blog was all about (again being openly resistant). LOL Even writing these words down sound ridiculous but to further explain, I was open, just not fully available to play wholeheartedly - especially about the part about writing in a THIRD blog! I mean come on, it's hard enough for me to write in 2, and now I've gotta write in a third one (which by the way, I seem to be writing in this 3rd blog more often than my other 2 - which after doing this playgroup, trust me- I'm one inspired writer who has lots to talk about in both my original blogs so don't you worry, my intimate group of dedicated readers! I've got plenty of love to share. Ok there I go again- on another tangent! lol). Back to the story. I wanted to be open and decided heck why not check it out. If several of my cousins and theirs spouses that I completely respect and admire are playing then why not check it out.

So yes, the book. The Abounding River - well the title definitely had a nice flow to it. And that's exactly what it's about. This book helps you to create abundance in your life. In this book you practice loving yourself, adoring yourself, accepting the world, being generous and grateful every day and experiencing being provided for. And I have to say that even though I’ve only just begun, I am really enjoying this playgroup. It’s a private online blog where we share our thoughts, feelings and experiences of the exercises given in the book. I’ve read books before and done exercises but this one is different, it feels really good to get the support from other families and individuals that are doing the book, as well. We’re creating community here with family members, friends and people who we have yet to meet in person but whom I feel I already know.

I know..I know - you may be wondering what does this have anything to do with what this blog is about? What does it have to do with families and love and villages, right? The answer: EVERYTHING! Not only is this a book (as well as a board game - intriguing right?) but the authors have built a whole community around this concept and now have several restaurants in the bay area (and one that I'm excited to announce is opening up in Los Angeles around Dalmacio's birthday March 5th) called Cafe Gratitude.

When I looked up the website, I was ecstatically inspired and even more excited to be part of the playgroup now! Their philosophy is everything that my family believes in and supports! Below is what I copied and pasted from their website:

We choose to work in partnership with vendors, customers, and the community in making choices that support the environment we share. Plastic containers & water bottles have been eliminated from our retail store, and we often request that new and treasured vendors repackage their products in cellophane or glass - just for us. But that is only the start. Here is a short list of the environmental commitments we are steadfastly loyal to:

  • If the organic variety of produce is not available, we do not choose conventional.
  • We use non-bleached, 100% cotton cloths for napkins. After being used, these napkins are sent to the auto industry for rag-use purposes. This creates an additional life-cycle and eliminates the use of harmful chemicals such as bleach, which is used in common laundering practices.
  • We filter our own water at all locations.
  • All our food scraps are composted and are often sent to the Be Love Farm.
  • We recycle our paper and cardboard.
  • Our dishes are washed with the most environmentally-friendly products.
  • All of our books, private labels, and menus are printed on recycled paper with soy based ink. Our offices also use recycled paper.
  • We take pride in our high standards, and we thank you for every dollar you share with us, further empowering our investment in the environment.
The community we have built is inspirational and we thank you for being a part of it. The gratuity offered to your server is shared with every hourly employee who worked that day. This means that every baker, dishwasher, kitchen line, bartender, host, and food preparer share in the generosity you bestow on your server. You not only provide for one, you provide for all. We have made it a practice to help one another in times of financial challenge, personal growth, during addiction recovery, healing from disease, repairing a car or even replacing stolen bicycles. We support one another’s artistic performances, share housing, and transportation. By experiencing the power of community, we take care of each other, knowing that the same support is available in return. Imagine EVERYONE working in an environment where, on a daily basis, you are celebrated and held as nothing short of amazing; every day, you are created as great!

Café Gratitude serves a menu of 100% organic, 100% vegan, local fare. Our food is free of refined sugar, flour, and additives. We have an extensive menu of raw foods and have recently expanded to serve cooked foods in many of our locations. We create all of our own food -from the produce bin to your plate - so we can avoid serving certain common allergens like wheat, soy, and peanuts. Over 45% of our produce comes from our Be Love Farm, and the compost from our Cafes is returned to the farm to nourish the next meal.

Yes, we love and appreciate the opportunity to open our doors seven days a week and serve the best organic food available, but even more, we are inspired by the awakening of our collective consciousness. Standing in the possibility that we are responsible for our experience of life, we encourage our community to focus their attention on qualities that inspire and empower, not just at work, but in all areas of their lives.

Okay I just fell deeply in love with this community just with reading the above statements from their website! This blends so well with my vision for the Family Love Village!  To be able to inspire and empower families and caretakers throughout the world as a collective consciousness towards gentle guidance/communication with our children and eco-holistic living is a passion I am willing to absorb my heart into fully.  I'm thrilled to be be in the game and connected with yet another community that believes in the same things that the village does! 
With this wonderful opportunity to play and practice with this online group and self-connectedness, I have been experiencing loving moments to and for myself. I've found that this is very sacred and vital for me to find the balance between doing my best to be a conscious mama (as my cousin calls it: a conscious parenting advocate), and to be a loving and conscious wife, as well as loving myself and getting my own needs met. Although this is definitely a fact that everyone needs to get their needs met in order to keep the happy sanity within the home, we don't always get them met. But thanks to the playgroup and the book, I am beginning a new journey towards re-discovering myself and planting new seeds along the way.

Gratitude is one of the vital keys to self-healing and self-loving. Thank you Abounding River and Cafe Gratitude for existing so that we can exist in a more loving, abundant and sustainable way. Here's to eating, living, and creating concsious communities!

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