Saturday, March 26, 2011

More Lifeschooling Resources - Living and Learning with Preschoolers

I wanted to share some more wonderful resources in regards to homeschooling.  Some of you were present at (or perhaps some of you read about) our past gathering we had with a panel of inspiring homeschooling and unschooling guest speakers that the Family Love Village had back in November

I had listed a plethora of resources on there but I wanted to share a few more with anyone who is interested.  Simply because I love offering resources that helps support FLV's heart principles and the information Dalmacio and I just received last night, I feel is definitely within alignment with our conscious parenting values.

Dalmacio and I joined a teleconference called Living and Learning with Preschoolers and we listened to the first teleconference last night!  The host, Diane Flynn Keith (founder of Home Fires - The Journal of Home Schooling) had a guest speaker, Karen Taylor (the director of Cedar Life Academy, a Private School Satellite Program (PSP) for homeschoolers in California).  The information in just this first call was uplifting and relieving.  And it felt really good to know that alot of what was shared in this first call is pretty much all the things we (we meaning Dalmacio, Andrik's nanny, Cindy and I) are creating with Andrik.

As a matter of fact, the way I found out about this teleconference was because one of the guest speakers on the panel of FLV's homeschooling gathering, Michelle Barone is one of the guest speakers for this conference, as well!  Thank you Michelle for paying it forward!  :o)

I'm excited for the next sessions and can't wait to learn more tools on life schooling.  For those parents who want to join, it is not too late to register for this teleconference.  The sessions get taped and you have the opportunity to listen to the recording at your convenience!  For the cost of the teleconference and the insightful information and wisdom given, I feel is very well worth it!

To get a brief idea of what the Living and Learning Preschoolers teleconference has to offer, below is what the program includes:

Six One-Hour Sessions as Follows:

1. How & Why You Should Teach Your Preschooler At Home

2. Playful Activities to Nurture Your Young Child's Mind, Body, & Spirit

3. Parenting Preschoolers: Development, Discipline, & Family Dynamics

4. Raising Smarter Preschoolers: A Father's Perspective

5. Food Fights: Meals, Nutrition, & Picky Eaters

6. A Home Preschool Curriculum: Fun and Playful Ways to Learn and Grow

And here are a few more wonderful resources on homeschooling:

1) An Introduction to Homeschooling

2) Director of State Homeschooling Organizations Throughout the US

3) Resources for Homeschooling Gifted and Talented Children

4) Carschooling - An Alternative Approach to Homeschooling

5) The Best of ClickSchooling - How To Use the Web To Get a World-Class Education

6) And then don't forget all the resources  from the actual Living and Learning With Preschoolers teleconference of all the guest speakers listed on the panel.

So I hope this helps you and your family with further options and resources.  Here's to all of us creating a life of continuous pro-active learning and loving with our children!

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